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Why is artificial intelligence a hype?

Artificial intelligence or AI is nothing but the science of computers and machines that develop intelligence like humans. With this...

Use of AI in healthcare & medicine is booming

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is commonly known for its ability to have machines perform tasks that are associated with the human mind –...

What will be the future of Artificial Intelligence

We know the AI ​​will affect the future of work. Read on to find five ways. more Creativity By algorithms to perform calculations,...

Top 10 Roles For Artificial Intelligence In Education

Sci-fi writers, futurists, and filmmakers have been predicting the spectacular (and sometimes catastrophic) changes that will arise with...

Artificial Intelligence in Banking

Major banks are ahead of the curve when it comes to adopting AI as a business strategy - an important task for any large corporation that...

Machine learning Vs Deep Learning

Machine learning and deep learning are two subsets of artificial intelligence that have received a lot of attention over the past two...

What worried about AI Taking The World

If you were in the 1980s and 1990s, you might remember the now-extinct “computer phobia” phenomenon. In the early 2000s, I personally saw...

How Artificial intelligence will change Everything

Artificial intelligence is not a technology, but a group of related languages ​​- natural language processing, machine learning (computer...

How Artificial Intelligence Changing the world

The technology of AI has been improving every year for the past 20 years, and today it is a very mature technology. Many companies and...

How AI will Change the Retail Industry?

Artificial intelligence is the hottest and most promising development in the tech landscape for years. According to market firm Tractica,...

Machine learning Vs Deep learning

Machine learning and deep learning are two subsets of artificial intelligence that have received a lot of attention over the past two...

How do you develop a mobile app

The mobile app market is growing faster than Beanstalk. The industry is huge and growing daily, and there is no end to the vision. With...

Top 10 Face Recognition apps for IOS and Andriod

Here are some of the best applications for facial recognition and fingerprint biometrics. These help secure your software and your...

Native app Development vs Hybrid app Development

Absolute is not good, it depends on what is best for you and your company and venture. Weighing the pros and cons of this, local...

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is evolving much faster than human intelligence has historically evolved. At some point we are going to create a...

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